Farm Share Subscription Bouquet
Farm Share Subscription Bouquet
A Big Ol’ Bouquet of Flowers! Cut fresh, arranged, wrapped, and ready for your home or business. We are talking BIG! As in you’ll need to cradle it like a baby. Gorgeous artisan wrapped bouquets with seasonal blooms in a variety of colors and textures. Pickup weekly at Paisley Flower Farm on Fridays from 9am to Noon.
Why share the farm? Because flowers make everyone happy! It’s our passion to bring a smile to your face with the unique, fresh, fragrant, beautiful flowers we grow. They are grown and cut right here in Cache Valley by two women farmers & when you buy a flower share, not only are you getting an arm load of flowers, but you’re supporting our local family farms. Along with the bouquet, we love to surprise our subscription holders with seasonal perks from the farm.